plan your business future

Have you planned your holidays yet?

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I had an interesting conversation at a networking meeting the other day. It was with a financial adviser who happened to make a point that people spend hours every time they go on holiday planning where they will go and stay, what they are going to do and researching what their options are.

Business strategyHis point was that trying to get people to look at planning their financial future was much harder than getting them to plan their holidays, even though you would have to spend much less time planning your financial future than you would planning your holiday.

Talk about striking a chord … it set off a massive alarm bell in my head as I thought how similar that was to people planning in business. Time after time I visit businesses that either:

  • haven’t spent the time or the effort to develop a robust, detailed and in-depth plan
  • have written a plan that is now gathering dust on the shelf or wallowing in the bottom drawer
Either way you’ll know my opinion about how important the plan is. Without a plan a business:
  • exists day-to-day
  • has little forward vision
  • struggles to anticipate the challenges and conditions that could de-rail it
  • will have employees that are lacking direction and performing at less than their optimum
  • will not be fulfilling its potential.
So why won’t people invest the time in their financial future and in the success (or even survival) of their business?

Plan your business futureOf course planning a holiday is much more fun on the surface. Looking at exotic beaches, snow covered mountains and beautiful cities gives us something to look forward to. But surely knowing you are on-track to a secure financial future or running a business that is prepared and fit for the years ahead should be a pleasurable experience too.

Maybe the truth of the matter is that in our heart of hearts we know we’re not as financially secure as we should be, nor as prepared as a business as we should be. But burying our head in the sand isn’t a plan for a successful future is it?

If you’re not confident that you have invested the time you need and have a plan that will see your business excel over the next few years, then we probably need to talk.

Don’t forget I offer an informal initial session in which we can explore where you are and how we might work together – NO COST, NO OBLIGATION.

What have you got to lose?

» Online Marketing Comment » Have you planned your holidays...
On 5 October 2013

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